Short-Lived Tornadoes (Revere/Worcester) & SAILS
Hayden Frank
NOAA / NWS - Taunton, MA
Presentation:Hayden Frank - A Case Study of the Revere Tornado.ppt
The Weather Emergency Room 
Elliot Abrams
AccuWeather, Inc. - State College, PA
Presentation:Elliot Abrams - Weather Emergency Room.pptx
The August 4, 2015 Macroburst in RI & Large Hail Event in MA
Joseph DelliCarpini
NOAA / NWS - Taunton, MA
Presentation:Joe Dellicarpini - August 4th 2015 Severe Weather Events.ppt
A Perspective on the Accuracy of Meteorologists
Brad Panovich
WCNC-TV -  Charlotte, NC
Presentation:Brad Panovich - Perspective on Accuracy of Meteorologists.pptx
FACETs (Forecasting a Continuum of Environmental Threats)
Dr. Lans Rothfusz  /  Sean Ernst
National Severe Storms Laboratory / U of OK Student - Norman, OK
Presentation:Lans Rothfusz - FACETs.pptx
WINTER BLITZ 2015 - NWS Overview
Robert Thompson
NOAA / NWS - Taunton, MA
Presentation:Bob Thompson - Snow Blitz 2015.pptx
WINTER BLITZ 2015 - Boston OEM Perspective
Rene Fielding
Boston Office of Emergency Management
Presentation:Rene Fielding - Snow Blitz - OEM Perspective.ppt
WINTER BLITZ 2015 - Broadcast Meteorologist Perspective
Harvey Leonard
WCVB-TV 5 - Boston, MA
Presentation:Harvey Leonard - Buried in Boston.pptx
Breakout 1: The Process of Making Seasonal Predictions 
Joe D'Aleo                     (IN AUDITORIUM)
Weatherbell Analytics, LLC - New York City, NY
Presentation:Joe D'Aleo - Evolution of Long Range Forecasting.ppt
Breakout 2: Melting Ice Cube Lab
Laura Schofield              (IN COMMONWEALTH ROOM)
Ipswich Middle School - Ipswich, MA
Presentation:Laura Schofield - An Ocean of Air - The Melting Ice Cube Lab.ppt
Southern New England Dewpoint Climatology
William Babcock
NOAA / NWS - Taunton, MA
Presentation:Bill Babcock - Rediscovering the Dew Point.pptx
Snowmaggedon, But No Wave-o-Saurus
Linda Hutchins  and  Edward Capone
MA DCR - Office of Water Resources (Linda) / NWS NERFC-Taunton (Ed)
Presentation 1:Linda Hutchins -Snowmnageddon, but No Wave-a-saurus.ppt
Presentation 2:Ed Capone - Snowmnageddon, but No Wave-a-saurus.avi
Dam and Levee Failures - NWS Responsibilities
Edward Capone
NOAA / NWS Northeast River Forecast Center (NERFC) - Taunton, MA
Presentation:Ed Capone - Dam and Levee Failures.avi
2015-2016 Winter Outlook
Dan Leonard
The Weather Company / WSI -  Andover, MA
Presentation: Dan Leonard - Winter Outlook for 2015-2016.ppt